Sunday, February 7, 2016

How Is It Only Week Three?

I must admit, this week was more fulfilling than the first week.

I've been to a the starting lecturesmodules, classes. (I must remember what to call them which is the correct term here). They seem pretty cool. I enjoy actually being stimulated in my classes now which is a sweet relief from Swansea's way of teaching. (I do like it in Swansea, it's just a bit too slow for me, I'm not using this to be mean, just being honest!)

I'm also using this exchange to learn new things outside of my education, for example sports. I want to try out canoeing, racquetball, actual exercise, do more cycling and whatnot. I find myself easily spending 40 minutes - an hour cycling in the gym (managed to finally watch an episode of Family Feud... it's actually rather funny. Apparently here making out is called tonsil hockey. Well you learn something new everyday.

I have actually been asked by a young American boy: "Oh my gawd are you British?" With the typical Scream-hand-holding-face (eh) pose. Had to be one of the cutest things I've seen.

I've met some amazing people that have made the first few weeks here better than I thought it would be - I mean a Brit being thrown headfirst into a completely different culture is quite difficult. When I pay in cash I still put all my change into my hands and ask the cashier to pick the correct change, simply because all these different coins are much too weird and similar.

I have found myself becoming reacquainted with Friends and Netflix, simply because I am too lazy to go sightseeing yet and too much of a procrastinator to do my work so I can go out and sight see. I also don't like spending that much money on things I don't actually need so I don't do much. Silly me.

Downtown Long Beach has become a rather frequent hotspot to visit. I have been to see a mural which really highlighted the differences in public art in Long Beach and Britain. We get museums and galleries, and Here there's odd sculptures and paintings and murals dotted around the place.
I have also been shopping! I found a nerd fashion shop on my way to the marina last week, I pretty much screamed inside (and squeaked audibly) because of the beauty that was Hot Topic. That's probably going to be the biggest thing I miss from America. (Oh and the people of course).
I need to find a Pandora shop so I can add to my collection of charms. (Might as well just get them delivered there does not seem to be one Pandora shop within 20 miles, Nope.)

I have also been to the 7th Long Beach Mardi Gras parade. It was fun! Hot, very hot. But fun! (I say hot, it's still winter technically so over 20 degrees CELSIUS is hot) I really want to tan but alas, my poor English skin and my dislike of heat prevents me from staying out for too long. (Plus sun burns aren't cool).
This has been my face whenever I am presented with an opportunity to tan. 
^^ But I never do -_-

I must admit, I made a fuss about the level of work here and it being a good value for money... But Cor blimey it's a lot of work. I find myself sleeping more to hide the incoming load of work and 3000 word research papers. Please no.

Ah well. It's now midnight and I must do some work hahaha no.
