Saturday, April 16, 2016


Firstly I must apologise for my lack of updating. I've turned into a real student wherein I sleep, eat and begrudgingly go to classes.

But! This is a happy post, as this is the one where I talk about the infamous spring break that every film about American teenagers is about. I am one of those that prefers to do actual sightseeing when given the chance, so I booked 11 days to Seattle, San Francisco and Vancouver. Decided to go by myself because why not?? I'm young, I'm British, I'm "street smart" (thanks London). But of course, no travels are without their worries and homesickness. This holiday coincided with my 20th birthday - I always knew that (since my birthday doesn't change every year... For obvious reasons) but travelling alone was a big step for me, but to also celebrate quite a big birthday by myself was something even bigger.

I got a friend of mine to drive me to LAX (thank you Josh!) and got into the departure lounge without much difficulty. Note to self: contact lens solution is allowed into your carry on, it's just a big fuss when they ask you to take off the lid (like why can't the staff do it, if they're so fussy then they can do it. Gosh) and they squirt a bit of the liquid onto this piece of card and test the saline. Anyway, I'm in the lounge for an hour or so, so I skype the boyfriend and the mother and express my concerns that I'll get killed, raped, kidnapped or have my passport/new DS2019 stolen. (All legitimate worries when you're a cute English girl).

I arrived in San Francisco safely and managed to get onto the right train into Downtown. Not sure why but as soon as I got in I didn't feel amazed by the area. It was a bit run down, again, like LA it wasn't the cleanest place I've been to. Right outside the big Downtown station was basically homeless people central - not really the best first impression one should get when they go to a new place. I got to the hostel and decided to go out for dinner to this lovely hipster burger joint, a whole meal for $15! The milkshakes were also incredibly divine. However, afterwards this young woman I had met in the hostel and I decided to go to this swing dance class. Well let me just say, that was not what I was expecting. It was seriously just middle aged people who I had to touch and hold hands with and awkwardly sway from side to side. Ugh never again. Also, since we were late we couldn't actually dance and were told to go sit down. How rude is that. So again, my attitude towards this portion of my trip was not looking up.
When we left, I was basically abandoned in a rough part of the city, with no wifi and just an idea of what bus to get (or buses) back to the hostel. Fortunately, another lady noticed, asked about my incredibly English accent, said it was not the nicest thing for my 'friend' to just abandon me to go have drinks with her other friends. Therefore she offered to let me sit in her taxi/cab/whatever to her destination. Then the taxi driver took me all the way to my hostel for only $5. There are some lovely people in this world. I'm so thankful, even to this day that I was able to meet a few of them.

The next day I had met these two lovely girls from Portland who offered to keep me company and take me around the city for the day. So we went to Embarcadero Plaza and had crepes for breakfast (nom) and then went and had ice cream! I made the slight mistake in asking for a funfetti, Oreo and vanilla milkshake,way too sweet, sadly I couldn't finish it all! There was this market that we went to, unfortunately I couldn't buy anything because of my hand luggage but it was great to see all the mugs with crude messages on them! My wicked sense of humour thoroughly enjoyed the market. Afterwards we went to Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39 which was lovely. The restaurant that we went to allowed dogs outside and we had the greatest luck to sit next to this couple with their two dogs. Their owners taught them to do some wonderful tricks which I watched with wide eyes. Dogs are such wonderful creatures, why people would want to harm them I don't know.

Anyway, as it was nearing the afternoon we decided to go to the Palace of Fine Arts, and at this time it was past midnight at home, which meant my 20th birthday had begun! After waiting in a sweet shop and trying hard not to give in to the temptation to buy all the sweets, we left for the Palace and I found wifi. It's not fair when people (yes Jamie I'm talking about you) buy you your favourite film's soundtrack on vinyl. I want to go home and play it non stop (yes I will mum, just try to stop me!)
After meeting yet another dog in the park and failing to climb a tree we went to the Marina and the wave organ - allegedly the waves crash up on this piece of art and make sounds - that's San Francisco for you! We also got a beautiful view of the sun setting behind the Golden Gate Bridge! That was lovely.

The next day was my birthday, and so the girls and I made our way to the Golden Gate Bridge. Such a beautiful bridge! After taking about 50 selfies (or attempting to) and walking along the bridge we moved on and found lunch in a small restaurant back in town in little Italy. The wifi was so bad in the restaurant, it was the perfect time to talk to mum and Jamie but alas, the staff lied to me saying they didn't have wifi yet I was trying to connect to it. Gosh.

Afterwards, we went to a gelato and ice cream parlour and I managed to get a large milkshake for the price of a small one because it was my birthday. Result! With our creamy concoctions in hand we sat down in the local park, I finally connected to the public wifi and the girls chatted to this guy who has some lizards. I got to hold them but as I've had a frog pee on my hands before I was quite apprehensive about them. Fortunately Sienna took them back and I continued relaxing. This lovely man with this gorgeous voice then came over and proceeded to sing Happy Birthday to me, and of course you give some money to say thank you, how often do you get a jazz singer singing Happy Birthday just for you? The girls had to leave to go home after this unfortunately so I took myself off to go on a cable car! (unfortunately there was no cake this year). Then I had a great night in to myself, watched some Jessica Jones and packed my stuff ready for my second part of my trip.

This was my favourite part of my holiday, part one of my time in Seattle! When I landed I had this feeling of anticipation and pure excitement, not at all what I had when I landed in San Francisco. I met this lovely girl in the airport since I had no idea where I was going. She helped me get onto the right train heading into the city. Also, from a first glance, Seattle transit prices are incredibly cheap. Much cheaper than Swansea or even London! It took us about half an hour to get from SeaTac all the way into Downtown, and as soon as I stepped onto Seattle turf I was in love. Seattle immediately made me feel like I'd made the right decision. Dropping off my stuff in my hostel I decided to take a wander around the area. Immediately I was faced with a most spectacular sunset:

I also found myself wandering into the first Starbucks without even meaning to. Now that, my friends was coffee. I don't like it and should probably never drink it but I was awed by the beautiful, rich aroma. After a while it gets a bit overpowering so I left and continued walking. I'd previously gone and bought myself two new dresses which I put on in the hostel, so I walked around the city with a big smile. I had bumped into some police and asked them where the best place to eat was, trying to bring back my strong British accent that the Americans always seem to love. They gave me quite a few recommendations and told me where not to go (where I had already walked through on my way to my hostel but hey ho). I found myself going to a lovely grill that, unfortunately, did not have wifi. Ah well. I walked in and for some reason restaurants never seem to have a place for people dining by themselves. The waiter put me at a table for four. Four! Anywho, I had a luscious steak, probably in my top five steaks.

The next day I decidedly to spontaneously go to a waterfall site 30 miles outside the city. Or otherwise called Snoqualmie Falls. The group and I also did a short hike around the park site and saw some beautiful greenery – much like I see at home. I also finally saw some daffodils! I then went into a cute little vintage shop near one of the railway museums and bought some lovely creams (hint hint nudge nudge I bought the vanilla and willow & water one) and took some pictures of the trains at the railway museum which was really cool. I haven't seen many American trains so finally getting to look at the differences between British and American ones was awesome.

The next day I sadly had to sadly leave Seattle. I got the link train to the Greyhound bus station and caught my bus into Canada. I finally got wifi as I got into Canada, not sure why it wouldn't work for the majority of the bus ride but hey ho.

I walked from the Pacific Central Station all the way into Gastown, which is where my lovely hostel was. The best bed, the best wifi and the best currency. I found that the Canadian Dollar is double the British Pound so that made me very happy. (cue too much shopping) I got a double cocktail (wooo I'm of legal age in Canada, God bless the Commonwealth!) for basically £4 ($8.50) and a lovely dinner consisting of wings and pizza (so healthy). Then I went upstairs and fell asleep, ready for a long day.

That's me ascending the tower (or at least, me filming the ascent...)
So my first day in Vancouver mainly consisted of me strolling around, finding cute little gifts and going to the Vancouver Lookout. Was seriously one of the loveliest places I've been to and had the greatest staff. So accommodating and chatty and sometimes that's exactly what you need when you're travelling alone.
I’ve been around the world tasting steaks, from New Zealand to New York and now Vancouver! This was the best steak I’ve ever had. It was a beautiful 10 oz "New York Steak served with a gorgonzola peppercorn red wine sauce" bloody hell it was scrumptious. I remember being on the phone to mum and having her say to me ‘are you eating vegetables Bethan? Whatever you’re eating is awful crunchy’ and just saying back ‘you know me, why the heck would I touch vegetables when I can have steak??’ So yeah, I had ascended one of the most beautiful spots in Vancouver, had steak for breakfast and it wasn't even midday. (And it was by far the best steak I have ever had. For twenty quid too ($38 CAD)

Next I decided to rent a bike and cycle around Stanley Park. Anyone who knows me quite well knows that I love cycling. Cycling is the best thing to do when you've got a big park and don't have a lot of time to walk around it. I got the bike around 2 and gave it back around 6. I probably cycled approximately 7k that day. I went (the wrong way) around the park and managed to get some breathtaking views of the ocean and the city. Also, I love taking pictures of trees in spring, seeing all the flowers bloom is a wondrous thing and I love capturing that. I cycled all the way up to Prospect Point and got some lovely gifts for mum and Jamie and also a new purse/wallet for myself. I found out afterwards that the label was called Shag Wear. I'm not sure if Canadians know what shag means but okay, whatever floats your moose. (It said Canada on the label imprint. If you didn't get something with the insignia of the country, did you actually go?)

This was Beaver Lake, I think I did this lake justice by getting that crystal blue lake and sun in the shot. Well done to me. I found so many places by accident on my ride, going up and down the hidden but gravel paths in the park was a idea. 

 Springtime in Vancouver is lovely. I recommend Stanley Park to anyone going to Vancouver.

I really really liked Vancouver. 
And yes those are daffodils.
I like to think it was the small amount of Welshness in me that drew me to the daffodils. 

The next day was my last full day in Vancouver before I left to go back to Seattle, so after having curry for breakfast (screw normal/stereotypical breakfast foods) I decided to catch a bus to the Capilano Suspension Bridge Nature Park (for some reason my whole trip my theme has been either bustling city or nature parks). Absolutely beautiful. What was scary though was that the bridge kept swinging and I thought that some kid would bump into me and make me drop my phone over the edge of the bridge! Fortunately that didn't happen, otherwise there would not be a happy Bethan right now. 
Much tree, very nature
 I also managed to spend quite a lot of money in the gift shop. No regrets because again, nothing for me (this expensive trip was quite enough of money thank you!)
 God this place was beautiful, the sounds of the gushing river beneath me, aside from all the annoying kids I had a wonderful time!

After leaving I decided to take myself off for some shopping, as the Canadian Dollar is so much better than the US Dollar (and also various discounts on things) I decided to get myself a pair of new converse... In a size too small. We'll see if I continue to wear them. I'd much rather have had the size bigger bit alas, I can only stretch them out now. I also purchased a Pandora charm for my collection. I decided to then go to a Korean restaurant and finally have a dinner that was somewhat healthy. Getting the bus back, I proceeded to repack and attempt to fit everything inside two backpacks - not the easiest thing with tons of presents for the family!

The first time since January I had a McDonalds! Although I did get an Oreo ice cream and what feels like an XL milkshake that I couldn't finish :(

Boarding my bus, I got into Seattle safely and got myself another Pandora charm, this time with the Seattle skyline on it. One of my favourite charms so far! This time in Seattle was extra special, because I managed to book my trip at the same time as one of my friends from home! After having a lovely Italian meal for dinner downtown I went to bed and caught up on some sleep.

At this point, finishing my travels were at it's peak and the amount of money I'd spent had become very prominent as I was constantly dipping into my overdraft! I again went for steak for breakfast, although this one was not very good. Rubbery and not a very good cut either. Ah well.

I went to Columbia tower on the other side of town and waited for Andie to arrive. This building is twice the height of the Space Needle and half the price for entry. Glad to say I spent most of my morning looking down at the highways and all the people doing their own thing. I must have been in that tower for about 4 hours. Or longer. Not sure. Andie finally arrived and we spent a good hour chatting and catching up. Finally meeting someone from back home really helped with my homesickness, that soon I will be home and soon I will hear the beautiful British accents again. 

Andie and I decided to go get a meal near Kerry Park, a small bit of land in the nicer areas of Seattle overlooking the famous skyline and port. The meal I had was one of the weirdest meals I've ever had. Apparently it's a thing here where you mash up a lovely steak, cover it in breadcrumbs and fry it and that constitutes as a chicken fried steak? I'm so confused. Explain America, Explain!! 

As you can see below, we stayed at the park for quite some time, watching the sun set and the lights brighten in the city. Watching the sky lighten up is one of my favourite things to do and I hope to do that with a few more cities in my life. 

 Finally, on my last day (I cry) I met up with Andie again and we went and bought matching hoodies from a tourist shop (you just have to when travelling!), went to Chipotle and had a good old gossip. Sadly, I had to leave and said goodbye to my favourite place in America. I hope someday I will be fortunate to come back to Seattle for longer and do more of the interesting touristy stuff.

I never really realised how much growing one does when they travel to three new places all by themselves. I feel like I can do it all over again, and hopefully I will do some more traveling before I leave, since I will be going to work in a camp in Pennsylvania for nine weeks over the summer! Having all my flights booked and everything sorted makes me feel much better! Even so I actually have money to spend now that everything important is out of the way!

Okay, that's 11 days of travelling. I'm done.

I need sleep!



  1. thanks boss. the instagram link was hilarious.

  2. Oh I do love your blog honey. Was sitting in a hotel in Delhi laughing out loud and getting some strange looks. Just keep on writing it, its very entertaining.

    1. Thank you mumma! I'm glad you're enjoying it!! Have fun in Delhi!

  3. Sunday morning in the UK and reading blogs from India and the USA. Friends having great trips and experiences - lovely.
